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Our vision: Houston is a city where all infants and toddlers are thriving. 


Our mission:  to increase positive early experiences for infants and toddlers and to better meet the needs of the families with young children in Houston. 

We focus on “systems change” with the belief that a collaborative, community-wide approach is the best route to a constellation of services that seamlessly meet the needs of children, families, and the professionals who serve them every day. 


We focus on the first three years because they highlight a unique period of rapid and complex development, learning, and attachment. While children experience this growth, the parents, caregivers, and professionals who nurture them navigate this nuanced and complex world right beside them. HITC works to better understand the factors that lead to thriving infants, toddlers, and families. In turn, we hope to apply our understanding to different fields of study and social service to see our vision come to life: A Houston where all infants, toddlers, and families thrive. 

Join Us!

We welcome parents/caregivers and service providers across the early childhood system – health and mental health, early care and education, child welfare, Early Childhood Intervention, and others! To join HITC,  fill out our membership form. 

Or please contact Sarina Laurel,  at or call 832-781-2753. 

Coalition Community 

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