Apply for Endorsement
Go to EASy (Endorsement Application System): -
Select “Register”, under “New Applicant”
Fill in all applicable personal, work, education, and supervision information.
Choose a category you deem most fitting for you after reviewing the category requirements.
While submitting this preliminary application, make sure to pay the application registration fee and verify that your First3Years membership is up to date.
After submitting your preliminary application and paying the Endorsement registration fee, our Endorsement Coordinator will reach out via email with additional information. EASy will send you a username and randomized password to access your main application.
Everything you will need to complete your application is stored and built into the secure electronic system, EASy.
Two Options to Pay Registration and Processing Fees
Pay on EASy directly after submitting the preliminary application, OR
Pay via the secure link below at any time before starting the main application
Endorsement Catalog
If you have questions or concerns about the application process, please email